Assessment Instruments:

The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and its companion instrument the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) are the internationally recognised ‘gold standard’ assessment tools for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. The ADI-R and the ADOS both cover the social, communication and repetitive features associated with autism spectrum disorder.

The ADI-R interview provides the clinician with a detailed picture of your child’s development, including their behaviours and social interactions from early childhood to the present day.

The ADOS involves a series of structured and semi-structured tasks which vary according to your child’s age and language level. They provide ‘presses’ for social interaction between your child and the examiner. The ADOS can be used with children as young as age 12 months. However we advise that for a more accurate diagnostic assessment, your child should be older than 18 months of age.

The ADOS is carried out by Mrs. Benson and observed and documented by Dr Thornton. This ensures that we provide a consensus diagnostic opinion regarding your child’s difficulties.